Monday, July 6, 2009

Goodbye, Cruel World

Ah, running away from the pain. Janie did it, Brave Sir Robin did it, and I do it. Mostly I call upon Sweet Lady Liquor when an escape is necessary but we all know the dream is always to actually physically leave. In my head it goes something like this:

I forsake city life and move to some extremely rural town where nobody knows me. I get a job doing something physical, maybe working the land. I grow hard and rugged. I'm often dusty but it only adds to my handsome masculinity. I work, I drink whiskey & rye, I'm strong & silent. And that's how I live out my life - simple, but that's all a man needs.
Of course, sometimes it goes like this:
I leave everything behind and go to Europe. Maybe Madrid or Paris or Athens... definitely somewhere I don't speak the language. But as I learn to communicate, my new bohemian friends immerse me in the culture. Each day I begin to glow a little more. My waist shrinks and I accumulate chic, simple dresses that allow my natural beauty & curves to show. Eventually, I meet him. He is elegant and funny with a relaxed philosophy toward life. We drink wine and fall in love. And that's how I live out my life - as his wife, taking care of our homey apartment in the city and the beautiful countryside villa. Laughing, eating, loving.
Of course, what ended up happening in real life went like this:
I left my home and began wandering the streets with my brother. Soon we realized that with no steady way of getting food, we would starve. We went to and fro in search of help that would come too late for my brother. He was hit by a car and killed. I dragged his corpse with me to the entrance of an old landfill. That was where I lost my energy and couldn't go on. Using an old Doritos bag as a pillow, I set up camp. And then the hunger began to take over. Though I'm not sure of my brother's nutritional value, the fact he was nutrition at all made it totally worth it. And that's how I thought I'd live out my life - feeding on the rotting corpse of my dead brother and sleeping in trash.
Of course, help did come and now I've got my stable living situation. But that's why I doubt I'll ever see those first two scenarios come to life. So my current need to run will be a trip and not a forsaking of my home.

My friend, Edith, and I are embarking on a Pity Party Roadtrip. She was recently a victim of the economy and I a victim of heartbreak. I'm not sure where we'll end up yet but I do know that I will be writing about our adventures. Due to an expected lack of internet, my travelogue may not be transcribed here until I get back (whenever that is) but as soon as I can, I'll update.

Happy Travels!!

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