Friday, July 3, 2009

Get Vaccinated In My Love

Taking a reluctlant lover is sometimes a necessary evil. Does the fact that Gomer doesn't know what is good for him mean that he should be denied it? Just because a puppy doesn't understand that a parvo shot will save his life doesn't mean you don't drag his stubborn ass into that examination room for a prick in the bum. When your love is as amazing as mine, it can be a bit overwhelming at first, like the vet with her needle. This is both my blessing and my curse.

I've been accused of bullying Gomer into a relationship. I don't think that is true at all! Everyone has a choice. You can't make anyone do anything, all you can do is guide them in the right direction. I only offer myself as an option. It is not my fault that some of them need a bit more reminding than others. You have to be vigilant when you're dealing with a forgetful dog. Make him remember you're there and that you're his for the taking.

Sometimes it's not so much forgetfulness as it is fright. Frankly, a bit of forcefulness is needed when he's just scared of how much he wants it. I remind myself that is a lot of loving being thrown his way but he'll adjust, it simply takes time. The key is to never let up. Going easy on him just gives him a chance to escape. There will always be the one that listens to his flight instinct and will run with his tail between his legs if given the chance.

So take your reluctant lover, friends, and don't let go. After all, you know it could save his life -- even if he's to dumb to see that.

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