Monday, June 29, 2009

Please Follow the Docent with the Rainbow Flag

I don't really like going out. I've got a bar, a TiVo, soft furniture, and a food bowl so I don't always see the need to leave my home and be around... people. But every now and then my dear friend, Jonathan Joseph, and I do like to grab our leashes go out for an adventure in homo skeeze. By which, I don't mean that we go out and find places to have slimy sex with each other but simply that we go to places that we don't expect upstanding citizens to be frequenting. The gay dive bars, the bear dens, the Adopt-a-Twink shelters, the nursing homes with liquor licenses. Those sorts of places. Sometimes we're pleasantly surprised and sometimes we're pleasantly uncomfortable.

So in addition to whatever other ramblings I transcribe here, I plan to post reviews/anecdotes/warnings/etc. from what I have dubbed (in a blatantly unclever pun) the Tour of Homos. Individual names will be changed to protect the innocent*, but I feel it is unnecessary to hide the fact that I live in Atlanta and as such will tell you exactly what place I am talking about. My hope is that these stories will be at least as amusing to read as they were to experience. Guess we'll find out...

*The innocent refers to me. The internet is a surprisingly public forum, and I feel no need to get whacked on the snout because of something I write here.

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